Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kasey to the Rescue

What a delightful, honest book. I, as a mother of children who spent several weeks in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) don't wish to by any means say I understand what her life is like. I can say that having gone through ups and downs of the medical roller coaster I fully appreciate this mothers honesty in telling her story. Her job is tough but the reward of being able to care for her son trumps the toughness. I like that she is honest about the lows while still celebrating the highs. This story is tough to read, it is about a serious life altering experience,and to imagine what life would be like may be too much for some to think about- however the positivity and the strength of character of both the son and mother shines through.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Russian Winter

What a fantastic, interesting read!! This story by Daphne Kalotay was full of intrigue, drama and misunderstandings that wound up shaping peoples lives in an instant. This story takes place split between present day in Boston and post WWII Russia. The story is linked together by a ballerina named Nina and the people whose lives she touches. I had such a hard time putting this book down. This would make a great book club selection. I predict that this will be a very popular book.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This novel is about a stay at home mom in her 30's who occasionally still uses pot for recreation. Her family is planning a weekend away to their recently purchased 2nd home on the lake when she gets into a car accident. The accident wasn't her fault, however the police discover pot in her car and come down really hard on her. The main character tries to do the right thing but I find her frustrating because she doesn't think through her decisions to well and more often than not makes things even more complicated then they need to be. The famous quote that kept running through my mind while reading this story is "oh what a tangled web we weave...." I think that this would be a very interesting choice for a book club read. There is a lot of discussion possibilities. Discussing this story with friends may lead you to learn more about each other. This was an enjoyable, thought provoking read. It reminded me of those "choose your own adventrues" I kept thinking what would I do next while reading. My first thought is I wouldn't get in this situation to begin with :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Claude and Camille

I was very excited to receive this book and have the opportunity to read/review [claude and Camille]. This was an interesting story based on historical facts regarding Monet his wife, Camille and their other famous friends. It was very interesting to read of all the struggles these amazing artists struggled through. I was glad I didn't look up the picture of the woman in the green dress until I finished the story. I had imagined Camille in a completely different way. I would recommend this book to those who are interested in historical fiction and the impressionist art movement.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not My Daughter by Barbara Delinsky

"Not My Daughter" by Barbara Delinsky is a story dealing with teen pregnancy and the pact that is made between close friends to all become pregnant at the age of 17. Obviously there are many sensitive topics discussed including miscarriage, abortion, birth defects, fertility issues and obviously pre-marital teen sexual activity.
The writing was very intriguing and it drew me in quickly. However, I was disappointed in the ending. I felt as thought there was a lot of build up and a lot of good topics introduced but it felt like everything wrapped up too neat and nicely at the end. I would recommend this book as an interesting read and a book that causes the reader to think about these topics.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Somewhere to Belong by Judith Miller

I just finished reading this lovely story. I learned a little about the people of Amana. I am fascinated by the concept of a simpler life, a life where focus on family and God are clear and everything else that we are familiar with in our modern world wasn't present to interfere with those most important things. This story is about two young woman and how they learn from each other and grow in both there understanding of themselves and their faith. I am happy to have had the opportunity to read this story and look forward to future books in this new series. I also look forward to reading more from this author. Thank You Ms. Miller for a wonderful read! If you are a fan of Janette Oke books as I am then this would be a great read for you!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Arcadia Falls by Carol Goodman

Great Read. Set in an upstate NY town, Meg and her daughter Sally move to a remote boarding school that focuses on the arts. Meg as a teacher and Sally as a student. The students and staff participate in many rituals that follow along with the history of the school. When a student dies, mirroring the death of another student in the 1940's at the start of Arcadia's school history, many questions arise and the mystery deepens.
It was definitely a book that I couldn't put down.